a devil you know
im nayeon 임나연
nayong, etc
age & date of birth
24; sept. 22nd
01 nayeon comes from a comfortable walk of life. both of her parents work, which afforded the im family a nice home in gangnam, both of the daughters nice allowances, and nayeon a lot of freedom to do whatever she wanted. being mildly spoiled, as she was, has left her with a taste for expensive things - namely clothing, food and drink.

02 a rebellious attitude has flourished in nayeon like flowers under the sun. she's never been arrested, nor has she ever been violent towards anyone, but bending and breaking rules isn't something that worried her in her youth. if her academics were kept up, then her parents didn't care too much about what she did on her own time. now that she is older and responsible for all of her life choices, nayeon has calmed down a little. only a little.

03 having graduated from ehwa's womans university with a bachelor's degree, nayeon went on to apply seoul national university law school and got accepted. it suprised her just as much as her parents, and thanks to her father and a bunch of networking, nayeon landed a job in a gangnam law office. granted, she's only a paralegal at the moment. her goal to have her own practice one day.

04 sticks to public transportation as her means to get to and from anywhere. she was, at one point, planning to get her driver's license because that was the "adult" thing to do. however, a lingering mass of anxiety from riding in cars made her change her mind. besides, she plans to save up money anyway.

05 manages to always have a nice stock of wine in her mini bedroom fridge that she has for "special occasions", such as surviving a long week at both work and school or passing a big exam. nayeon also winds down with retail therapy, going out to fancy dinners or bar-hopping. she doesn't need anyone to buy her drinks, but it's cute when it happens.

nayeon lives very freely, despite the fact she's studying to become a lawyer, a job that requires laws to be followed and understood. she likes to party, drink with rich friends and spend nights at clubs dancing with strangers whose names she'll never remember. in midst of this lifestyle, nayeon has developed some unhealthy addictions. she keeps them managable, holding a clean facade, even though she understands she's walking a thin line.

etc •• virgo ☼, sagittarius ↗, leo ☾
•• ENTJ-A, "the commander" (info)
•• a strong 3 on the kinsey scale
•• has a bachelor's degree in psychology from ehwa womans university; currently in her second year of law school at seoul national university.

ooc •• contact: ~pearlier & @neutralpinks
•• mun is eastern time
•• open to scenes being done in a variety of ways